Through the years we have built a solid reputation for integrity and good business practice. You get quality products, designed and engineered to be trouble-free and user friendly. We never sacrifice the value of clean, pure water by selling inferior products. Our company is fully licensed, insured and PHCC certified in backflow prevention. A MUST for safe, code approved installation of water conditioning products in Maryland.
Many companies will try to fit your water problem to the product they sell. Here, at Atlantic Blue, we match your specific water problem with the correct technology necessary to solve your issues. Because we are NOT limited by product lines, we can customize the system to correct your specific problem. Or, design something completely new. We offer FREE local water testing in your home or at our store giving you instant results and an honest recommendation for treatment. Your water is tested by a technician, NOT a salesman which is why we recommend ONLY what you need to “fix” your problem with an easy to understand explanation as to why.
If you have experienced water problems, simply call our friendly service professionals for quick and courteous attention to any needs you may have.
Atlantic Blue retail store is located in Carroll County Maryland, convenient to Central MD and Southern PA.
Thank you from our hearts to yours for voting us Best Water Conditioning & Softening Company for 2023!