Pouring clear filtered water from a water filtration jug into a glass on the green summer garden background in a warm sunny summer day

When you get your water from a private well instead of a public source, your family’s water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing is your responsibility.

Suppose you can identify the warning signs of potential problems. In that case, you can avoid the hassle of having no running water in your home, or worse, compromising your health and safety because of poor water quality.

Here are seven signs you may have a problem with your private well:

1. Sputtering Faucets

If you turn on your kitchen sink and experience a blast of air with short bursts of water before the water flows normally, you could have air in your plumbing system.

If it’s happening frequently, it could mean your well pump needs servicing. You could simply need to replace a failing valve, or the drop pipe connected to the well pump could need replaced.

2. High Electricity Bill

If you have a private well and your utility bill is unexplicably high, it could be thanks to the pump. One of the first signs many homeowners notice is a gradually increasing electric bill. This is because the pump runs continuously, or cycles on and off all the time as it tries to maintain water pressure.

Pouring clear filtered water from a water filtration jug into a glass on the green summer garden background in a warm sunny summer day

3. Strange Sounds

Are your pipes groaning and moaning? Is your well pump making loud grinding, humming, or growling noises? These are telltale signs that there could be problems with your well pump, and you need to contact a professional as soon as possible to avoid any potential damage.

4. Something Looks, Smells, or Tastes Strange

Even more apparent than odd noises coming from your plumbing system is the occurrence of strange odors, tastes, or murkiness in your well water. If there is any noticeable change in your well water’s taste, smell, or appearance, you need to contact a professional right away.

These changes in your home’s water could indicate the presence of many different things. They might not pose an immediate risk to your health, but they can affect your water quality. For example, if your water has a metallic taste, this could mean your water has a high concentration of iron and manganese. On the other hand, if your water smells like sulfur or rotten eggs, there could be decaying organic matter in the groundwater causing an emission of hydrogen sulfide gases. Murky water is yet another sign of a potential pump problem. It could mean water levels have dropped too low or that dirt runs through the pump.

5. Poorly Installed or Damaged Well Caps

It’s essential to have a professionally installed well cap or cover because contaminants can enter your home’s water supply. If the cover on top of a well casing is damaged, insects and animals can crawl inside, decompose, and elevate bacteria levels, which can trigger diarrhea and other digestive issues. It is important that your well cap is at least six inches off of the ground, and you should avoid growing plants or building boxes around the well casing.

6. Agricultural Contamination

Agricultural runoff is a common culprit of contamination for those with well water as many homes with well water are situated in rural areas. Contamination might come from fertilizers or livestock waste, pesticides, and herbicides sprayed on nearby farmland. As the rain washes over farm land, it can pick up chemicals from the contaminants, which eventually enter the groundwater that feeds your well.

Nitrates pose a significant health risk to women who are pregnant and young children. Nitrates have no color, taste, or odor in water, so if there are contamination concerns, it’s best to have your home’s water tested for nitrates to ensure it is safe for your family.

7. Salt Contamination

In areas where winter weather is a factor, road salts can become another potential well water contaminant. Salt washes off roadways and infiltrates the groundwater.

Salt, which is chemically called sodium chloride (NaCl), is not a health concern unless you are on a low sodium diet. However, it can impact the quality of your water and negatively affecting the taste of it.

If you live along a major roadway that receives salt treatment regularly, you may want to be cognizant of your water quality after the snow melts.

Contact Atlantic Blue Water Services

Schedule a free water test at your home or bring a sample into Atlantic Blue Water Services. After the analysis is complete, we match your specific water problem with the correct equipment and technology needed to solve your issue. We offer water solutions for both well and municipal water systems. Call us today at 410-840-2583.